What it means when someone says, happiness is a choice


The word does not seem to have a broad definition but it does. It can get easily lost in translation, depending on the context.

It is the most lost, when people refer to it as something you choose. This confuses and frustrates those who don’t understand what “choosing happiness” means. Which is completely understandable because we’re taught happiness is an emotion, and emotions are mostly out of our control. Other people are confused because they are misguided and believe happiness is something you work towards or a destination you get to once you have everything you’ve ever wanted.

I want to clear up any and all confusion behind what people mean when they say happiness is a choice. Because true happiness and positivity enthusiasts want to share this concept with the world.

We (the enthusiasts) understand that you can not be happy 100% of the time. When we say happiness is a choice, we don’t mean you are experiencing the emotion of happiness 24/7 because that is impossible. If anyone tells you that they are happy 100% of the time, they are either lying to you or fooling themselves.

Everyone has bad days. Terrible days when you can not see the bright side of anything. I definitely do and if someone told me to just flip a switch and “be happy”, I would smack them. Add yell at them, and curse at them until they got out of my face to the list also. We understand you don’t have complete control over how you feel.

What we have come to understand is that you do have control over decisions that will affect the direction of your life. This is where the “choice” part comes into all of the happiness talk. The happiness enthusiasts are saying, we are proactively going to make choices and changes that will help create/foster our own happiness. And we have realized, we have a great deal of power to do so.

There are things in each of our lives that make us unhappy, and we know that these things make us unhappy and do nothing about them. As humans, it is in our nature to always expect things to get better. Yet, most of us, don’t do anything to help facilitate the “getting better” part. We just sit and wait. We wait for the happiness that we all deserve to be handed to us, without putting in the work. You can’t expect a signification change without making one.

A lot of people wait for “the one”, expecting them to appear without putting themselves out there and talking to people. Some people sit in their jobs, hating it, expecting something good to happen. When they could be looking for another job they would actually enjoy. Worst of all, we sit in our self-pity. “Woe is me” we say, because we think the world should do us a favor. When the world doesn’t owe us anything, it is up to us to shape our lives into what we want it to be.

We have the power to change a situation that makes us unhappy. If not the entire situation, at least certain aspects of the situation to make it better. If you are too lazy to take action, or can’t take action right now, you have full control over your mentality. You have to power to see the bright side. And it is entirely your choice, whether to pick bright side or allow the negativity to win.

The happiness enthusiasts are not sitting and waiting. We are the ones making choices and changing. We also choose to see the positive in the current state of our lives.

This is what makes us so happy. We appreciate everything we do have and we know that things are going to get even better because we are choosing to make them better. Who wouldn’t be happy knowing that we have that power? We can do it, we don’t have to wait – you can start now.

You have the power to make your life happier. Make the right choice.

“What Words Can Not Express”

The emotions from this weekend can not be done justice with just words. Unfortunately, words are all I have, so they will have to do.

The universe blessed me with fantastic people, who I am fortunate enough to share my life with. I picked my four best friends but their presence in my life makes me believe a little more in “meant to be’s”.

This past weekend, the first of us became engaged to the love of her life!

When you first hear that one of you best friends is going to be engaged an immense amount of thoughts go through your head.

  • Holy sh*t! No way!
  • Pure joy for the future ahead of them
  • Planning out of the crazy bachelorette party to come
  • Questions on if you are going to be a bridesmaid
  • Logistics of the wedding and proposal

Last and definitely the worst of them all… it puts some part of your life in perspective.

You can not help but see the parts of your life that are not together. Also, you anxiously wonder how your life will change when your best friend gets married.

All of these thoughts raced through my head. I became so consumed in how it would impact my life, that it took me a while to step back and look at my best friend and her now fiance (who I consider family) the way I always should have.

An example.

I have watched this couple from the beginning, from their first date that almost ended up being at the Holocaust Museum to the moment he dropped down on one knee. I have seen the highs and lows that have transgressed throughout the past six and a half years they have shared together.

They are truly a testament to what hard work, love, and commitment can get you in all aspects of your life.

Anything and everything.

The ability to stay together for 6.5 years through a long distance relationship in college, a period of time in different countries, and just being able to stand each other for that long (I would never be able to), shows how special these two are. To top it off, they are both caring and compassionate human beings.

I am not a super sentimental person but I want to say to them, you are an inspiration. You are a symbol of how we all should be, in a world that is too easily ready to give up.

Now that I have taken a step back, all I can feel is sheer joy for the two of them. This weekend has given me a new found appreciation for them both. They give me a little sense of hope, which strikes down a lot of cynicism, dread, and doubt I have looking at my own future. That hope is something worth more than anything (at least for my peace of mind).

With that, congratulations again to an amazing couple! I wish you an infinite amount of happiness and joy in the future ahead.